Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Gandalf can be viewed as a sunrise. Especially when looked at in the Battle of Helm's Deep. In this battle Gandalf shows up with reinforcements at the sunrise, but this is not why he is like the sunrise. When Gandalf arrives it is at the darkest time for the people of Rohan.

The walls of this so called impenetrable fortress have been breached and many men have been slain, then as if by cue Gandalf appears like the sunrise and with the sunrise. They say that it is darkest before the sunrise and in this situation Gandalf was the human sunrise.

Once Gandalf arrived the battle turned around. They began to
slay the orcs that were in the field, and all became light and goodness once more. This is very much like a sunrise in how when a sunrise comes it brings the light of day into a dark situation.

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